Sunday, October 14, 2012

Woo hoo!

I was beyond excited to receive THREE boxes last week that my mom shipped to us.  Seriously, y'all, she is super fantastic awesome!

In those boxes were items I couldn't have shipped directly here like new clothes for the boys and their Halloween costumes (Really Target?  Get on board the international shipping train!  I miss you, and I know you must miss me too!).  She also included other Halloween goodies, a ton of birthday stuff (decorations, presents from them, cake mix, etc. for Connar's upcoming 3rd birthday), and extra presents for the boys' that GrammE and PaJ bought them on recent trips.

He could not wait on me to get scissors and was already ripping off the tape as soon as I plopped the boxes on the table.

Checking out their loot!

Please excuse P's lack of clothes.  He wanted a sucker, and to avoid ending up with sticky clothes, I had to ditch them before opening the sucker for him.  :)

It's amazing how much stuff you can cram into a box....or three in this case!

We're celebrating Connar's birthday "dinosaur style" so GrammE sent us decorations, including this party hat.

Both boys received these warm mittens that are adorable!  They look like bears and even have a long string attached to both hands so you (AKA kids) don't misplace one of the mittens.  So smart...we'll see how long the boys will let me keep them attached though.  :)
a train whistle!
Who doesn't love temporary tattoos?!