Tuesday, October 16, 2012

our 1st time at Haeundae Market & Baskin Robbins

Because I didn't start this blog until a few weeks into our Korean adventure, I have yet to blog about all of the amazing memories from our first two weeks in Busan, South Korea.  As this blog serves as a written history of our family's adventures, it's important that I backtrack a bit and do some posts from our first two weeks here.  Enjoy!

We've been in Busan for almost 4 1/2 months now and visit the Haeundae Market on a weekly basis to pick up fruit.  Because the Korea smell is so normal for us at this point, I don't notice it nearly as much.  That was not the case the first time Talton took me, the boys, and my mom to the market and the area near it.  I remember him warning us, "Breathe through your mouth, not your nose."  There are no words to describe it.  I guess that means you'll just have to come here to smell for yourself.  :)

Thank goodness bakeries like this OPS have labels next to each food that tells you what it is in English too!

They weren't sure what to think about this crazy place called the market, but it has since become one of their favorite places to visit.

 It was such a nice day outside that we stumbled into Baskin Robbins (our first time in Korea---pretty much the same! yay!) and enjoyed our treats outside.