Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Chuseok!

This past weekend was Chuseok, or Korean Thanksgiving, and with Talton having off 5 days in a row to celebrate this holiday, we took full advantage and had some fun family time.  There will soon be several blog posts to share our memories with you!

We enjoyed our Korean Thanksgiving dinner eating Korean BBQ....yummmmm!  Well, maybe I should say Talton and I ate BBQ and we smuggled Burger King in for the boys.  :)

There's nothing like an iPad and french fries to keep my kiddos silent for a good while so we can eat in some sort of peace.  :)


Parker was playing peek a boo with an old Korean man at the table next to us.


Connar & Daddy made silly faces at themselves using the front camera on the iPad.


Check out those pants!  The weather took a definite turn for Fall this weekend.  Pants are a must now, and we don't leave home without our hoodies.  T & I loved seeing the boys in their jeans for the first time in a long time.  I don't how they do it, but jeans make them seem a little older than they do in shorts.  I'm sure I'll feel the same way when it's time for them to wear shorts again next year.  Day by day, season by season, these boys are growing up right before my eyes.

I have to say that walking most places is so nice.  It's especially nice when we've eaten too much or just a heavy meal in general, because it helps our food to digest some by the time we get home.  And with this amazing Fall weather hanging out in Busan these days, it's pretty easy to ditch the car and hit the road by foot.

On our way home from eating dinner, we walked by the aquarium to tell the sharks goodnight.  :)

Talton was given this set of cookware as a Chuseok gift from his company.  It may be kind of nerdy, but I happen to think it's kind of cool because it will serve as a souvenir and reminder of our time in Korea once we're back in the U.S..

What a fantastic 1st Chuseok!