Monday, October 22, 2012

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I've tried numerous times to get our dining room chairs to stop squeaking on the floor with various sizes of felt circle stickers on the bottom of the chair feet.  All was well for the first couple days until I'd find one of the felt circles sticking out halfway from the feet because it had lost its stickiness and come loose.  Then we'd hear the loud squeaky sounds again every time a chair was scooted against the floor.

Well I came across this fantastic invention at the grocery store this weekend.  Drum roll please... They're little booties for the chair feet with the felt sticker sewn onto the bottom of the bootie.  Genius!  I have to admit that I was not in love with how 24 of these look around my table, but I am in love with the fact that there is no more squeaking and the felt is not coming loose!  

These must be pretty popular here, because I remember seeing them at another store a couple months ago but not giving them a second thought.  I guess my original felt stickers hadn't come loose enough times for me to be annoyed yet.  :)