Sunday, October 7, 2012


This weekend through next weekend is BIFF, the Busan International Film Festival.  They've been setting up structures here on Haeundae Beach for weeks, so it was cool to see it come to life this weekend and actually be put to use.

They're not showing movies here on the beach (those are elsewhere around the city), but they did and are continuing to use this space for other things like advertising, buying movie tickets, small concerts, and even a red carpet type event where some of the stars of the movies came to speak and just be seen.  Unfortunately, I didn't get to go down when the movie celebrities were out (mommy duty called at dinner, bath, and bed time), but that's okay because from what I could tell earlier that day it was probably overcrowded.

I've been taking various pictures of the whole set up over the past couple days, and Connar and I even walked down and through it all this morning to take some more.

Even though my life doesn't permit me going to back to back movies, or even just one really, at this film festival, it has been neat to merely be around all the excitement.  :)


They set up bleachers for people to sit in as the movie stars walked in front of them.  Cool!
People were lining up early to get their spot to be able to see.
more people staking their claim on spots next to the walkways where the stars of the movies would walk later that night
Not sure who the speaker was, but it was obviously someone a lot of people were interested in hearing from.
REAL red carpet!
Not a shabby backdrop, eh?  :)

These huge movie posters lined the main road next to Haeundae Beach.

I was given this "Special BIFF Edition Cosmo" magazine while I was walking through the exhibits at the beach.  Here's something that is very frustrating and happens pretty often: They write a heading in English, but then nothing else on the page is in English!  What is the point of the English heading if the rest of it is in Korean???????  Such a tease for me.  On the positive side, I was able to get through this magazine in 2 minutes and start dinner, which I'm sure my kids were happy about.  :)