Thursday, October 25, 2012

spider hats

Today the boys and I made these fun little spider hats.  Connar chose the colors for both of their hats and helped me glue the pieces on.  Too bad neither of them wanted to keep them on all day long as I was hoping they would.  Ha!  Like I really thought that was going to happen!  Connar appeased me by putting it on a few times so I could take pictures, but then promptly asked, "Can I take it off now, Mommy?"  Parker wouldn't even allow one of the spider legs in the vicinity near his head, so there are no pictures of him wearing it.  I'm saving it though, in case he changes his mind.  What, a mommy can hope, right?!  Would it be so wrong to go place it gently on his head now that he's sleeping for the night and take a quick picture?  ;)

While Connar helped me glue, Parker sat behind him and encouraged him with hugs and pats on the back.  Then he decided that coloring at the table alongside us would be fun too.  Well actually, he thought he was going to outsmart his mommy by acting like he wanted to color in an effort to get close to my paper cutter that he so desperately wanted to touch.  Once I moved it away, he was finished coloring all of a sudden--surprise, surprise...not.