Sunday, October 7, 2012

What's a girl gotta do to get a taco???

Seriously!  I can't tell you how many times I've specifically walked to Taco Senora to try it out.  When I tell you it's a hole in the wall kind of place, I mean just that.  It's down an alley and has only like 4 seats inside, but this place has a reputation near and far.  I hear that people travel here just for tacos or the other few menu items that are offered by this one woman show.

Feeling brave lately, I've tried time and time again to go here, but every time I've gone, it has been closed.  The first time I didn't realize it was closed on Mondays. 

Then, another day, there was a sign that said it was out of ingredients.  Believe it or not, this happens often here at restaurants.  On a few occasions, we've ordered something off the menu at a couple different restaurants just to hear, "Oh, we're not serving that tonight" or "We're out of hamburger meat so no burgers today".

 This is how I feel about it being closed every time I go:

 And this is how I feel about the thought that I WILL try it one day, soon hopefully.  :)

I realize that it will not taste like Mexican food from home, BUT I am excited at the prospect of it tasting yummy enough to come back for more.

Trying new foods is normally NOT my thing AT ALL, but this I think I can handle.....that is if I ever show up when they're actually open for business with ingredients.  Wish me luck!  :)