Monday, October 15, 2012

Check out our pumpkins!

After we bought two pumpkins at the market last weekend, I went back during the week to get two more.  Two just wasn't enough to get the Fall atmosphere going around here, and I wanted each of us to have a pumpkin to decorate.

I made this UH pumpkin for Talton.  It turned out better than I imagined it would.  :)

 I had a different vision for this pumpkin, but it turned out cute in the end.

We had a little pumpkin decorating party at our house and invited our friends, Greenlee and Liam (and their awesome mom, Cassie), to join in the fun.  We played Halloween music and had a blast creating the kids' 2012 pumpkins.

I let Connar start his before the other kids got there, so some of his paint would dry before adding more.

Parker and Greenlee were having a serious conversation about this whole pumpkin business.

This was the very short time period where all four of them were painting at the same time!  Parker and Liam didn't last too long, but hey, at least they participated a little.  They had better things to do than hang out with us and decorate pumpkins.  :)

hot gluing accessories on Greenlee's pumpkin

Cassie and I told the kids we were finished and they were going home.  One of them got on the bed in an effort to get away from us, and the rest of them followed suit.  They were too cute jumping on that bed all together.  What's even funnier is that as Cassie and I were both saying, "No, don't jump on the bed! Stop jumping on the bed!" we were running to grab our cameras.  :)

Greenlee & Liam's pumpkins...  She was so creative (I adore her for placing her jewels and accessories evenly on each space of the pumpkin.  That made my organized side smile!).  I had no idea Liam, at 1 1/2 years old, had such nice penmanship.  ;)

Connar's pumpkin...  He decorated one side with a spider and had a grand old time painting the other side.

Parker's pumpkin... Seeing as though he was NOT interested in painting or decorating AT ALL, his pumpkin boasts very little decoration.  I had some great ideas for things we could paint on there, but he was not into it at all.  Oh well, that's what you get when you're dealing with a 20 month old.  We made little fingerprint spiders on one side, and he painted for 15 seconds on the other side.  :)

We decided against carving pumpkins this year for a couple reasons, but I have to say, now that we've creatively decorated them this year, I'm thinking this technique will be implemented in Halloweens to come for years.  :)