Wednesday, October 24, 2012

touring Busan on foot & the beach...again!

Because I didn't start this blog until a few weeks into our Korean adventure, I have yet to blog about all of the amazing memories from our first two weeks in Busan, South Korea.  As this blog serves as a written history of our family's adventures, it's important that I backtrack a bit and do some posts from our first two weeks here.  Enjoy!

On this afternoon while the boys and I napped, my mom set out on a mission to explore Busan on foot.  She came across some really cool things that I had yet to see in that 2 1/2 hours!  After we woke up, we joined her for another 1 1/2 hour walk exploration.  :) 

Later that day, we played in the sand again.  I know it seems like we play in the sand a lot, and that's because we do.  It's hard not to when it's right outside your door.  :)  Another great thing about having a beach for the boys to play on right in front of our building is that Talton was/is able to join us after work without having to drive anywhere after changing out of his work clothes.  We can also play a little later than we would be able to if we played somewhere else, because we don't have far to go when dinner time draws near.

It's hard to keep the number of pictures I share with you to a minimum, because I just want to share so much with you all!  I'll try my best though.  :)  Here's what another beautiful day in Busan looked like back at the beginning of June.

The subway.  It's very clean!
She came across some schools...
It's so safe here that young kids walk MANY places without adult supervision.  Talk about a major difference from home.
that big net is a driving range
Their ambulance is not the same as ours.  The people who drive it are just that...drivers.  They will not administer any sort of medical intervention to save your life on the way to the hospital.  They'll just turn on their lights and siren to get people to move out of the way in hopes they'll get you there faster than the alternative.
Now that's what you call a sidewalk sale!  Check out all the options on the remotes connected to the toilets.  Holy moly!
How cute is this tiny little box of a coffee shop?
These people were holding some sort of a strike.  The man with his back turned had a megaphone yelling something Korean in it.  If you had any idea how loud Koreans get when they're mad, you can only imagine what that would sound like amplified by a megaphone.
 We went up to the top of my building to check out the view for the first time.  Can you say gorgeous?!  This weekend is the annual Busan Fireworks Festival, and I'm thinking this is where you'll find me and my guys watching the fireworks in the distance.  :)
P is running over for his turn to swing!
 We hadn't been asked by anyone for a photo of either boy this day, until this point in the evening.  They were very sweet though, so we Connar obliged.  :)
gotta have a shot of us doing the standard Korean pose!
This is hilarious!  Connar wanted me to find shells for him, so we did this song and dance over and over and over again.
me: "Close your eyes, and I'm going to find a special shell for you."
C squeezed his eyes closed and smiled in anticipation.
me: "Okay, open your eyes!"
C: "Wow!"  Then he tossed it to the side.  "Another one."
This is one of my favorite pictures of us here so far.  The boys are too cute for words!
 By special request from a special two year old, here we go again with the surprising of the special shells.  :)