Sunday, October 14, 2012

Halloween sneak peek!

With Halloween just a few weeks away, we've been doing our best to prepare and decorate for it in a country that doesn't celebrate it.  Still wanting the boys to have the Halloween experience and make these memories, we've been creating fun decorations and ordered their Halloween costumes online.

Can you guess who my cute guys will dress up as this year????


Sure it would be easy and save time to buy decorations (which I would not be opposed to doing in addition to making some myself), but like I said, there are not very many Halloween decorations available :(  so we have been getting crafty here.

 We made lanterns that are hanging around our dining room...

These turned out really cute and are now hanging on the boys' bedroom doors.  This was a good fine motor activity for them, but Parker was not quite as interested in it as Connar was so we helped him a little.  :)

Homemade Halloween cards from their GrammE, my mom.  She is where I get my craftiness and creativity from.  Didn't she do a boo-riffic job?!  :)

 The boys received these fun light up pumpkins in our trio of boxes from my mom.  To show them they glowed in the dark, I took the boys in the bathroom.  Fun!  Connar even played his new harmonica in there too!

I can't wait for Halloween to get here!