Wednesday, September 5, 2012

special delivery!

My aunt Marjory ROCKS!  No joke, she is an amazing aunt.  And it's not just because she always remembers my birthday -- she says it's because her New Year's Resolution every year is to do better remembering people's birthdays and my birthday just happens to be the first on January 7.  :)  Even though we're living on the other side of the world from her, she took her time and money to send my husband a surprise birthday package (yes, his birthday was two weeks ago but it can take a little while for a box to get here).  See, I told you she's amazing!

I love this picture of the boys waiting on pins and needles to find out what's in the box.  :)  You should've seen how fast they climbed up on that table when they saw T opening the box that had been sitting on the counter all day.  They're used to opening all the boxes that arrive here, so for them to wait 7 hours to open it was probably torture, but I knew this box was coming especially for Talton so I wanted him to have the pleasure of opening it.

Oh, ignore their sweaty boy hair.  These best buds were having a ball running around from one end of the condo to the other like best buds do before Talton got home from work.
Marjory... I hung this note with your card up on our wall because it makes me think of you every time I see your handwriting.  :)
 Talton's birthday package included: a note, a birthday card, a REAL Kit-Kat candy bar for him (not the fake "Kick Ker" they sell here in South Korea), a few balloons, and some lollipops and crafts for the boys. I was amazed how much fit in that little box!
Connar holding on to that lollipop for dear life.
Funny card!  Tell Rusty he did a good job. :)
I even got a surprise in the box!

Even my aunt knows how precious this cargo really is.  She wrapped my Reese's in bubble wrap and then cardboard too.  LOVE it!
Marjory - THANK YOU from the bottom of my wifey heart for this (and I'm not talking about the Reese's anymore...I'm talking about the birthday box for T).  :)  I love him dearly and know you always have as well.  Thank you for going out of your way to help make his day even brighter.  We love you!