Monday, September 17, 2012

a GORGEOUS morning for a walk to the playground

A few days ago the weather was just too gorgeous for me and the boys to not get outside.  So after we ate breakfast and slathered on sunscreen, we headed out for a 25 minute walk to the park and the area around it.  I wore them out for about 2 hours, so they were definitely ready for a nap by the time we got home and scarfed down a quick lunch.  Little did I know how much they wore me out too until after they went down for their naps and I sat still in this quiet house.  It wasn't long before I joined them.  :)


With school in session, these boys were out playing soccer on their dirt field.
Using umbrellas to keep the sun off of you is VERY common here.  Most of the umbrellas, especially the ones that belong to the older women, are all frilly and sometimes even sport sequins and the like.