Monday, September 17, 2012

Let's play dress up!

We had quite a few super cute ensembles going on on this day in the Endres house. 

The first outfits came from my mom who mailed the boys a couple of costumes from her dress up area of the boys' playroom at her house.  As soon as I opened the package and pulled out the Indian costume and the Buzz Lightyear costume (Connar's actual Halloween costume last year), Connar's eyes got so big from excitement and he couldn't wait to get his little hands on those outfits!  Parker, well, let's just say he wasn't as thrilled.  :)

He was soooo mad and wanted that thing off!  But isn't he a cute little Indian?  :)
spreading his wings like Buzz so he could fly
calling Star Command by pressing "buttons" on the sleeve
Now that's a happier Indian than the last little Indian.  :)

And for your viewing pleasure, here is the third, not to be missed outfit from this day.  His t-shirt couldn't be more fitting this day: "Mr. Independent".  He wanted to put his shorts on by himself, and he did a great job getting one leg in each hole.  He just hasn't quite grasped the idea that certain pockets and seams go in certain places.  Adorable anyway.  :)  Way to go, Monkey!