Tuesday, September 25, 2012

riding the ferry

I've been wanting to take a ride on the ferry near our condo for a while now, but it has either been way too busy with the Summer rush or it has been raining.  When we woke up and saw that it was sunny this past Saturday morning, we packed up and hit the ground running toward the ferry.

If you ever visit us in Busan, you HAVE to take this ferry ride.  It was only 18,000 won per person (about $16 U.S. dollars) and lasted an hour.  I believe it leaves every hour from the dock.

The ferry takes you by Gwangan Bridge, to the Oryukdo Islets (5 small islands visible from shore--all are uninhabited), by the Igidae area where you'll float by hiking trails crisscrossing beautiful cliffs, as well as Busan Harbor.

The boys did pretty good on the ferry, but when they did get antsy we busted out a little distraction known as the iPad.  It worked like a charm for a while with Parker, but then he just wanted to get down and explore.  That's kind of difficult to allow when you're on a ferry and the mommy is already very anxious about her babies being surrounded by a big body of water.  About ten minutes into the ferry ride, Connar started acting a little sea sick so we sat him down and gave him the iPad to focus on so he wasn't staring out at the moving water and surroundings.  Talton did a great job switching off boys with me so I could take pictures.  Thanks, babe!



 Connar tried talking to these kids, but they just stared at him like he was crazy.  :)


This mom was feeding her kids hard boiled eggs and was so sweet to give Connar one too.  He was like, "Yes, I want one", and then he handed it directly to me to put in the diaper bag.  I hope she didn't get her feelings hurt.  I think they would've been hurt more if I cracked it for him to eat and she saw him waste it then and there by not even trying it.  How cute is her little guy, though?!  :)

Time to board the ferry!


The blue building is where we live.

Connar looked at the white water coming from under the ferry as we left the shore and said to me, "Wook at da milk, Mommy!"  :)


The Westin Chosun, the white hotel with the red roof, is where Talton stayed the first time he visited Korea a month before he moved here.  It's no wonder he fell in love with living on this beach.  You would too (as did I) if your company put you up in the hotel at the end of a gorgeous beach!

This is Dongbaek Island.  Really, it's no longer an island as nature took over with sand and rock to connect it to the mainland.  This is a great little hike on this side of Dongbaek up and down stairs and across a rope bridge (we actually hiked this the first week the boys and I arrived in Korea).  Once you get to the corner on the left, there is a cute white lighthouse as well as the APEC House, and then it's a nice DOWNHILL stroll on the other side.  I'll do a separate post on this soon!



These ladies were so cute.  They reminded me of what my grandmother looks like with her friends when they sightsee.  :)


These ladies were cracking me up!  I swear they snacked the entire ferry ride.  Every time I looked up, they were eating a banana, crackers, yogurt, or drinking from a juicebox.



What a cool lighthouse on top of a rock!


Music played from this speaker on top of the ferry, so I actually swayed and danced with Parker for a bit up on the deck toward the end of the ferry ride to keep him occupied and quiet.


heading back to shore...  There's Haeundae Beach in the distance!


our building is called Pale de Cz


This was inside the ferry terminal.  I'm not sure if it's a game of some sort, a fortune teller, or something else altogether.  Hmmmmm...

 These restaurants were on our walk back home.  I love that they're open aired and have those little mats under the table that you sit on.

This restaurant even had these little flat chairs with no legs to sit on the floor with.  Great idea so you have something to lean back against!

Connar has to stop anywhere we see crabs....


Check out this real street food, attached to a motorcycle and all!


They're still in the process of cleaning up the beach from the storm that was the typhoon last week.

Connar and Parker had their backs up against this wall so I could take a picture of them, and then these ladies walked up and interrupted their picture.  Parker didn't mind and even tried getting into one of their purses as she leaned over.  Ha!  Connar stayed still and just waited on them to finish fussing over their cuteness....Seriously!  Look at Connar, he never moved!


Daddy showing them how it's done.  :)


Those boys insisted on going over every bench.