Saturday, September 8, 2012

out at night

We are usually in for the night once we eat dinner, so they boys haven't actually been out while it's dark since they've lived in Korea.  They weren't quite sure what to think about how everything looked different at night than it does during the day.  We got a late start to the grocery store this afternoon and didn't set anything out to thaw for dinner, so we decided to hit up some Mickey D's since we haven't been there in a few weeks.  :)

With the weather changing from Summer to Fall and with it being cooler now, it was a nice stroll (ha...I call it a nice stroll but I wasn't the one who pushed the stroller UP the hill on the first half of the walk...You're the best, babe!).


Waffles anyone????


One might think that these men are drunk -- and they very well may be considering drinking is like a sport around here. But it's completely possible that they're just two buddies showing some love.  It's not uncommon for heterosexual men or women to hold hands or link elbows as they walk.

And I'll leave you with this...a picture of our beach, Haeundae Beach.  Isn't it beautiful?!!  (We live in the set of buildings on the right, closest to the camera.)