Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday Thoughts 3.7.13

Happy Thursday, everyone!  It's almost the weekend!  Yes, stay at home moms look forward to the weekend...we get to see hubby/daddy all day, we get to get out and do fun activities as a family, and of course there is this: I get a day to sleep in!  :)

Here's what's going on around here and some thoughts for today...
  • It's still chilly here most days.  In other news...
  • I'm loving two items we bought for the kitchen this week: a salad spinner (if you're still using the pat it dry with a paper towel method and haven't at least tried a spinner, you're missing out) and a cheese slicer (I love a really thin slice of cheese off the cheddar cheese block!).
  • Our Korean Visas are just about expired.  That means we've had them for nearly a year.....yes, I know, we can't believe it's flown by that fast either.  The type we have are only good for a year at a time, so we gotta get them renewed before getting a country eviction notice...I'm sure they do that, right?
  • I bought a book last Friday on my iPad....and finished it Saturday.  :)  It was so good!  I love getting lost in a good book every now and then and wish I could devote more time to doing so....but that could cost me a pretty penny if I read them all that fast.  The book was called Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult.  I read My Sister's Keeper a few years ago and couldn't put that one down either.  They're pretty thick books, but she's such an amazing writer!  More of her books are on my "to read" list at some point.  The last time I made time to read were last summer/early fall.  These are the books I read then:
    • Most Talkative by Andy Cohen.  He's the guy from the Bravo Channel on TV....if you watch any of the "Real Housewives", you know who he is.  (This was a quick, easy, entertaining read!)
    • The Help by Kathryn Stockett (Loved it!  Absolutely loved the movie too!)
    • A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard (A really good book, but it definitely made me sick to actually read about how she lived and was treated for so many years.)
    • The Fifty Shades Trilogy (I wanted to see what all the hype was about.  Book three was my fave by far.  Gotta love happy endings.)
    Because reading a good book curled up on the couch is one of my favorite things to do, I intend to make time for it regularly.  Plus, I think it's important for kids to see their parents reading and modeling good reading practices.  Yes, I know my kids are 2 and 3 (which means they don't know what I'm actually reading), but I also know they're watching me, and I'd like for them to catch on to some good habits.  Here's to hoping they catch on to one of my good habits like my love of reading and not a bad habit like not flossing my teeth regularly.  :)
  • Speaking of just that...flossing.  One of my goals is to floss the boys' teeth on a daily basis.  I'm awful at doing it myself, and my sweet dental hygienist can confirm that.  I'd like to hope that starting this good habit now will eventually become so routine that it'll be easy for them to continue it as they get older.  Here's to hoping.....again.  :)
  • I came across something online called "Project Life".  It's a different kind of scrapbooking that doesn't involve so much cutting, pasting, etc., but it's totally cool!  You can put as little or as much creativity as you want into it, and either way, your pictures are still organized with lots of color and room for you to journal about the pictures.  You can do it all kinds of different ways, and some people use it for baby books, wedding albums, and some give the packs as gifts. I really think I might consider doing it once we move back to the U.S..  I think it would be so neat to have a scrapbook for an entire year where each two page spread is devoted to a week at a time.  If you've been into scrapbooking in the past but can't seem to find the time for it, maybe this could be for you.  It seems really simple.  Google it.
  • My youngest brother will be 22 next week.  How is that possible?!
  • I'm happy that this weekend is Daylight Savings Time in the U.S., because that means we'll only be 14 hours ahead of our family and friends compared to the 15 hours we're ahead now.  That one hour makes a big difference, believe it or not.
  • I'm pee in my pants excited (okay, maybe not a good analogy but you get the idea) about meeting Mickey Mouse, seeing Cinderella's Castle, and just soaking in all the fun at Tokyo Disney next month!  Do you think it would be inappropriate for me to get a makeover at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique?
I hope you all have a great Thursday!