Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hippity Hoppity Easter's On Its Way!

The boys received a very special Easter box from their GrammE, PaJ, and Grandpa Wayne last week!  You know how these boys act when the delivery man comes...  Secretly though, or maybe not so secretly, I get just as excited.  I absolutely LOVE getting mail of any or a small card or letter.  It's so nice to know that people are thinking of you.  The boys may not be able to express these feelings of gratitude yet, but I can see it through the smiles on their faces as they rip through the box that they feel so loved.

This is my favorite thing in this box... Check out the shape at the top!

M-I-C-K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-E !!
My mom found this Mickey Mouse popsicle maker set at a home show (made by Tupperware for those of you wondering how to get your hands on these fun things!)!  What perfect timing!  We're going to Tokyo Disney next month, so every time I see these, I get so excited thinking about our trip!  Plus, it was fun to show Connar how to turn kool-aid into popsicles!

adorable puzzle shaped like tools...the boys go around the house either fixing things or just toting them in their shopping cart like they're going somewhere with their tools...ha!

I love me some Model Magic by Crayola!  This stuff rocks!  If you've never tried it, do so!  I like it better than play-do, because it's not as sticky and doesn't crumble easily.  You can model something and leave it out to try/harden, or you can keep it in a resealable container to use over and over.  We really like this stuff.

It wasn't long before they dove right on in to the candy!

Parker enjoyed playing with the two cars GrammE sent.  It's so fun to watch him grow up a little more every day, where he's playing like a real toddler these days.  It's awesome really.

I often catch him doing just this.  Sitting somewhere reading a book.  Because we keep all of the boys' books on a shelf in Connar's room, he likes to go in there and crawl into C's bed to read.  On this day though, he climbed up into this chair and started reading this Easter book GrammE sent them.  I love to see books in their little hands.

I've also been doing quite a bit of online shopping (Me? No way!) to get ready for Easter, so my mom shipped all those goodies to me in a separate box (signed "Love, Bunny" on the outside of the box, of course, so I didn't open that box in front of the boys. ;) ).  The thing I was most excited about in that box was my new set of notepads from Erin Condren.  LOVE!  (I know you're thinking, "You said this was an Easter box, Kristi."  Welllllllll you didn't think I'd have her send a box all the way from the U.S. to Korea without putting a little something in there for me, did ya?!)  This is what happened as a result of a $20 coupon I got from EC which took the cost of the notepads down to a mere $10!  Not only do I love EC and these notepads, I also love me a deal!

Well this Easter Bunny needs to go make sure we're all set for the upcoming holiday.  Next on my list is to go on a hunt for two baskets or buckets of some sort to use for Easter baskets.  Maybe I'll find them between the octopus and the rice at the open air market!  That would be eggcellent!  (Sorry, couldn't resist...)