Wednesday, January 30, 2013

car washed & lesson learned

It's so stinkin' cold here in Busan!  Being cooped up indoors for most of last week due to dreary and cold weather, the boys and I really needed to get out for some fresh air and to run some of that boy energy off.

When we woke up Saturday, the sun was shining which was a dramatic difference from the dark weather we'd been seeing for several days prior, so we thought it would be a great idea to take the boys out to the park to play.

The park is basically across the street from Home Plus where we go grocery shopping.  My hubby also wanted to get his car washed while we grocery shopped (how awesome and convenient is it that it's in the actual parking garage?!), so we figured we'd kill three birds with one stone by visiting the park and grocery store while the car got washed.

All was well until we started walking toward the park outside.  Holy moly was it ever cold.  No, it wasn't cold.  It was FREEZING!  The boys were bundled up, so we kept moving forward.  Plus, can you imagine the fits that would've been thrown if we didn't at least step foot in the park for 1 minute after telling them we were going there all morning.

The boys were having a grand old time playing, and they were being such troopers about the weather until...

Don't let Talton's gloveless hands fool you.  His hands were hurting pretty bad from the cold and wind.


...this happened.

Parker threw a royal fit right there on the playground.  Talton and I were trying to figure out what in the world was going on with him.  Was he upset because I told him no about something?  Did he hurt himself?  Was he mad that I was making him wear gloves?  It was so bad that we packed them up and headed back for Home get the car, not grocery shop.  We thought there was no chance that he was going to calm down enough for us to shop and that we were going to have to go home and try grocery shopping again later that day.  Connar must've been pretty cold too but just wasn't complaining about it, because he didn't say a word when we said it was time to go.

As we started walking back to Home Plus, he was still screaming like crazy, so I took him out of the stroller and snuggled him up close to me as we walked really quickly to get out of the cold and wind.  Low and behold, after we got inside the store and had a minute to warm up, he calmed down.  Poor baby was so darn cold outside, even all bundled up, that he was miserable and didn't know what else to do but cry. 

Talk about feeling bad.  We thought we were doing a good thing by getting them out to play and run around since they hadn't done that in a few days, but man was that not a good call on our part.  We felt so bad.  We made it up to them by offering all the goldfish we had in the diaper bag.  Anddd we did go grocery shopping then and there without a single tear shed.  Yay for the heater inside!

Needless to say, we can't wait for it to warm up around here.  We get a warm day (in the 50's....ha!  If I were still in Houston, I'd be under a blanket INSIDE on a 50 degree day!) every now and then and try to take advantage of those, but I hear it doesn't usually warm up ("warm up around here"=in the 50's or 60's.  :)  ) for another couple months, so wish us luck with trying to keep the boys entertained and trying to think of new ways to get some energy out indoors.