Friday, May 31, 2013

a Korean wedding...outside my window!

It was nap time (AKA Mommy's quiet time), and I was enjoying the peace when I started hearing loud talking and music.  I went to the window to see what it was and was pleasantly surprised to see a Korean wedding being held at the hotel next to my building.

Once I grabbed my camera, I ran back to the window to snap a few photos but couldn't resist filming a little bit too when I saw this... In the middle of the ceremony, they started playing Psy's song "Gentleman" (Psy is the guy responsible for "Gangnam Style") while a few of the wedding guests came up and danced in front of the bride and groom.  I've never seen anything like it!

And in case you're not familiar with Psy's latest popular song, take a looksie:

 And of course there was the obligatory family picture.  Aren't the hanboks the women wearing in the front row beautiful?  I especially loved how the groom's mom and dad, who clearly aren't Korean, dressed in traditional Korean clothing for the wedding.

As you can imagine, the 10 minutes I watched this out my window made my afternoon!  :)