Sunday, May 19, 2013

Charlie Brown Kids' Cafe

I heard about the Charlie Brown Kids' Cafe last year some time, but I finally found out where it is and took the boys for some fun.  

We even took a taxi ride instead of the subway, and that's a whole different kind of fun....just think: 3 little boys (my friend and her son were with us) in the backseat with 2 mommies, passing the phone to the taxi driver to talk to the person at the cafe to get directions because the address we have isn't good enough, the boys giggle extra extra loud like they're on a roller coaster "WHOOA! WHOOOA!", they wave to kids in cars next to us (we have the window down because the taxi was a little stinky), all while the Korean taxi driver looks back every now and then like "Really kids?"  :)  hee was pretty funny.  :)

We finally arrived in the area of the cafe.  Since we hadn't been there before, we couldn't tell the taxi driver which of the four buildings it was that he stopped at, but we told him to let us out anyway and we'd figure it out from there.  Right when we asked a police officer to help us, we saw the cafe sign on the building and headed that way and up the elevator to the 10th floor.!  It's set up in such a great way that you can see the kids from any angle, at any table.  There is a kids' restroom in the play area, and you can order food and drinks that are delivered to your table.  It was 5,000 won per kid and either you can pay 5,000 won for yourself or you can purchase a drink for yourself and that's considered your ticket in....a great deal when you think about it, because you're probably going to order a drink anyway.  :)

 I told Connar to try to hold Liam & Parker's hand so we could take a picture of them.  They weren't interested.  :)

 The lockers where you can put your belongings, including your shoes.  There are slippers at the door if you want to use them instead of walking around in your socks or barefoot.

 The boys kept waiting on the train to run, but they never turned it on.  Bummer.  Hopefully next time.
 Do you see Parker hightailing it up those steps???

 The kids can climb up to the top window to look out.  You can see a flash of Connar speeding by in the top right window.  :)
 These are other tables you can sit at (on the floor) inside each box.

The boys and I played a little basketball.  Fun!  It was a little addictive...I might've played without them for a minute.  :)


I love this girl.  Thank you, Lord, for placing us here at the same time.  :)
  Cute coffee cup!  I'm thinking you need this in your collection, Cassie.  ;)

 One of the workers at the cafe was helping Parker play golf.  He was having the time of his life!  Look at that smile!!!
 Um, that's not what you do with golf balls, buddy...

 They were playing so hard that they scarfed those french fries down!
 Parker even took the french fries with him to play!

This is the kids' restroom area.
 Can you see the slippers on Connar's feet?  They have several pairs sitting outside the door for them to use when stepping into the toilet area.  Thank goodness!
 the nursing/diaper change room

This place was great all around.  The boys had an absolute ball here!  We'll definitely be making another trip back very soon!