Sunday, May 5, 2013

Monday at TOKYO DISNEYLAND (part 2 of 3)

Next up for the day was "Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters"!
Knowing this was one of the most popular rides, we got a fastpass first thing in the morning and was told to come back at a certain time.  I took C on this ride, while T stayed outside with P looking over the restaurant information I brought along to figure out where we should eat lunch.
How cute is this fastpass machine?!
I just can't get enough of that Goofy hat.  He's almost as cute as the boy under it.  Almost.

For many of the rides at Disney, there is a gift shop right next to it (you often have to actually exit the ride through the gift people, those Disney folks) that is full of merchandise centered around that specific ride.  When we came off the Buzz Lightyear ride, C made a beeline for the guns.  :)

He was so excited after riding this and couldn't wait to tell his daddy he wanted to ride it he and Talton got another fastpass to ride it again later that day.  :)

Time for lunch!
We decided on trying "Tomorrowland Terrace".  It actually ended up being so good (and also because we knew what to expect here and that everyone was happy with it) that we went back for dinner.

You order from the cashier, walk past him/her up to the counter, pass on your receipt that lists your order, and they fill it for you then and there.

Talton and the boys got chicken nuggets that were actually pretty tasty.
I was feeling brave and ordered the hamburger.
It was not nearly as tasty as I'd hoped.  I tried drenching every bite in ketchup, but that didn't cut it.  Needless to say, I ate the nuggets for dinner like all my guys.  At least the burger has the cute factor going for it.  :)

"Space Mountain"


Look who we saw from afar!
Connar was in awe the first time we saw Mickey Mouse.  It was precious to watch him realize that he's seeing Mickey in person!
We couldn't take a picture with Mickey, because there was an insanely long line to do so.  Then, after each person would have their picture taken, they'd pull out a marker and something for Mickey to sign.  It really did take so long for each person to have their time with Mickey.

Knowing we wanted to be back in time for the new daytime parade, "Happiness Is Here", we figured we'd head back to the hotel to try to get the boys to take naps.

This little boy was wiggling to get out of the stroller to sit on the big seat on the monorail next to his brother.

And this is what we call brotherly love.  :)

Love this little blue eyed blonde baby of mine.  His hair is getting darker as time goes on, but his hair has stayed lighter for much longer than C's did when he was younger.

C ended up taking a good nap, but P was more interested in rolling around and playing than falling asleep.  Don't you hate when that happens?  On the rare occasion I'm planning on keeping him up late, he picks that day to not nap.  Awesome.

On the monorail ride back to Disneyland after naps C's nap, they were peering out the window and sharing gummy bears.  :)

Robin Hood walked right on up to C, but as soon as he saw that C wasn't interested and was too shy, he backed off.  :)

P wasn't too keen on smiling with Captain Hook either.

There's Cinderella's Fairy Godmother!

There were so many characters around this part of the park at this moment, but we had to hightail it to make it to the parade on time.  :)

After you see the parade post, "Monday at TOKYO DISNEYLAND - day parade", go to the next post that chronicles the rest of our day, "Monday at TOKYO DISNEYLAND (part 3 of 3)".  :)