Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Seollal (Lunar New Year)

Lunar New Year was celebrated in full force here in Korea earlier this week.  It's a three day holiday: the day before, the day of, and the day after.  The holiday is spent traveling to be with family, eating tons of food, and playing games.

Many times, people also gift their friends and/or coworkers with gifts as well.  Talton received this gift from a coworker.

The insert that came with this box of Korean goodies said these are a mixture of: "honey pastry, cereals, chocolate honey pastry, various fruits preserved in syrup, starch jelly coated with grains".

Here's what I found when I broke one of these open.  Interesting.  Very interesting.

And he received this as a Seollal gift from his company.  It's pretty neat that his company gives gifts on Korean holidays.  We also received a gift for Chuseok last September.

A big thing to do on the actual Lunar New Year day is to watch the sun come up, because it's the first sunrise of the year.  It was entirely too cold to do so from outside on the beach, but fortunately for me, we have big windows where I could stand and watch the sunrise.  Look how lovely!

While I waited on the sun to come up on this day (yes, I made the effort to get up early before anyone else....on purpose!), my favorite two little guys joined me.  Parker was reading to me when Connar woke up and sat with us.  :)

Oh, and did I mention that my hubby had two days off of work for this holiday?  Score!