Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our first dinner out = success!

The boys and I have been in Busan for 2 1/2 months now, so it may seem a little odd that today was the first time we sat down at a restaurant to eat in that time.  Well there are good reasons for this: T already tried many places before we got here and has said we won't like them, thinking about taking two toddlers to a restaurant can seem a little scary when you know that they take their sweet time making and serving your food (hungry and bored toddlers don't fare well in a little chair for an extended period of time, in case you didn't know) and then it doesn't even all come out at the same time (can you imagine one kid getting their dinner and the other having to wait?), and it has been SUPER busy here with the summer vacationers. 

Now that the summer rush is dying out a little, we decided to try this place in our building called "Sharky's Bar and Grill" and to go for an early dinner before it got busy.  It's owned by an expat, serves only Western food, and has darts, foosball, shuffleboard, and even a supply of board games waiting to be played as you enjoy your meal.

I had my first adult beverage while here, a Korean beer called Cass, that wasn't too bad.  T enjoyed a beer called Honey Brown that was a bit stronger than mine.  The boys had their water sippy cups.  :)  The food was good, and we found out they do take out which is great considering this grill is also a bar (smoking and some bad language around the boys isn't such a hot idea...another reason we went early to try to avoid that).  They had American songs and TV playing, and I caught myself dancing and singing in my seat a few times.  :)  Believe it or not, for the hour that we were there, I actually forgot that we were in Korea.  It felt like home with the food and the company that surrounded us.  If you ever find yourself on this side of the world and are looking for a place that reminds you of home, go here.

P.S. - I'd like to take a quick moment to thank Apple for our iPads.  Those babies helped our babies to sit still and behave THE.ENTIRE.TIME.  This dinner was definitely a success!

ignore the sweaty hair...I told you it's hot here right now.  Thank goodness we sat next to a fan blowing around!
AMAZING burger!  The curry pasta and salad were okay too.
A burrito with beef, topped with enchilada sauce and cheese, among other things.  It was okay, but I would've enjoyed it more if it didn't have onions in it and it wasn't so spicy.  T liked the spicy part of it and would've enjoyed it more if it didn't have refried beans.  It was full of refried beans, rice, and beef.
The boys had cheese quesadillas.  They must've been good, because they gobbled them up!  The cheese was oozing out the sides.....YUM!

Now, this next picture has nothing to do with our dinner.  This is a picture of a club right next to our building.  Interesting piece of art, don't you think?


These are cookies we bought today at the grocery store, because T said they offered them to him at work and he likes them.  They're vanilla cream cookies, and they're very soft!  Pretty good if I say so myself! :)