Sunday, August 5, 2012

An afternoon at the myself! :)

Guess who got three hours of uninterrupted, out of the house time all to herself?  ME!!!!!  I so needed that.  I hopped on the subway and headed to Shinsegae.  It was lovely not having to walk further to find and wait on elevators because of a big stroller and two babies.  I was in and out of that subway station in no time and on my way into the mall.  I didn't go for anything in particular.  I just wanted to go by myself to explore.  Shinsegae is 9 floors of shopping and restaurants and then a few more floors that house a spa and a driving range.  I loved being able to take my time at certain spots, not sharing my Pepsi fountain drink I bought in the food court, wiggling in and out of crowds of people with ease, using the escalator instead of the elevator, walking by toys and not having to stop to look at them, not handing out goldfish or sippy cups every 5 steps, and exploring 9 floors and an outdoor resting area at my own pace.  I will say, though, that I heard a little boy laughing that sounded like Connar's laugh, and it made me think of my guys.  When I was done here, I couldn't get home fast enough to kiss their sweet cheeks!

ice rink at Shinsegae
quite the face on this mannequin
view from the 9th floor of Shinsegae overlooking a portion of Busan
BIFF stands for Busan International Film Festival
This was a little area in the Sky Park on the 9th floor of Shinsegae where you can go sit outside and/or see a great view of Busan.
cool chair made out of metal
Now doesn't that look like a grand place to sit and take a rest?  Great tree!
How about "Plastic Island" as the name of a clothing line?
There's the OPI nail polish counter I love! I chose 2 colors that the salesman said they were sold out of before I finally chose one they had in stock. I guess that means I'll have to go back. :)
Looking up from the bottom floor of Shinsegae.
This is on the food/dining floor.  This is actually "The Wine Bar".
Check out that humongous piece of meat hanging behind this guy.  They would just peel pieces off the top as needed.
making a pizza
Well that's one way to transport your oranges.
This is at the bottom of Shinsegae and another department store, Lotte. It's a small replica of The Trevi Fountain in Rome.
This area is also on the bottom of Shinsegae and Lotte. It's an area where you can sit and watch the local baseball team, the Lotte Giants, play their games on a big screen.
Neat little area to look like stands in a stadium.
This is a map of my neighborhood, Haeundae, in the subway station.
on the subway stairs
just walked up the stairs from the subway - beautiful blue sky today!
Do you think the kids know they're posing with a beer mascot?  :)
This is Haeundae Market. I like to walk the boys through here every now and then, because they like to look at all the fish, eel, octopus, crab, etc. in the tanks waiting to be bought and cooked.   Connar gets soooo excited when I say, "Want to go to the market today?"  I like to buy some fruit down here too.
On my walk back home, I came across these three young women putting on a show.

I know I've posted pictures of the craziness that is the beach lately with the million people and umbrellas, but I couldn't help myself again on my way home from the mall.  Look how close all those umbrellas are to each other!  I've always wondered what it was like under there, so I took my curious self down on the sand to find out!

Fun fact: You can have pizza delivered to your beach umbrella. 

Not sure how they know which umbrella is yours, but it's an option.  :)

I decided to surprise my guys with some ice cream after I was gone for a few hours today.  I thought it was such a treat for me to get a couple hours to myself outside of our condo that I wanted to treat my guys to something too.  They loved it!  :)
Such a big boy feeding himself
Someone decided to steal my ice cream while I was taking pictures!
I debated whether to kiss this mouth or clean it off.  :)