Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I like to take the boys on walks a couple times a week, especially to new places around the city.  It's nice to get out and explore.  Here are two walks we went on last week.


found the post office!
These dresses are called hanboks.  A hanbok is a traditional Korean dress worn during festivals and celebrations.
I don't read Korean, but I know a missing kids/persons poster when I see one.  So sad.  I caught myself shaking my head in sadness as I looked at these faces.
This was painted on a wall on some random street.
I had to walk back by this lady a second time and on the opposite side of the street, because I didn't want to freak her out that I wanted to take a picture of her preparing her food.  I'm still so intrigued by how they separate their food into separate bowls like this as well as how this sitting position is so comfortable for them.


We found crabs... talk about an excited 2 year old!

dining on the shore....literally
This man was sewing his net back together.
I have no idea what this sign says, but I thought it was cute.  I sure hope it says something cute.  :)
I snuck a peek into a restaurant as we walked by.  They really do sit on the floor to eat!