Friday, August 17, 2012

a morning in the sand

The boys and I went to play in the sand this morning.  We weren't out there for very long, because it was already pretty hot.  They had a good time though and were able to get some energy out.

"I found a special shell, Momma!"
our feet - and their little hands  :)

I don't ever want to forget how little they were at one time, because I know one day, too soon I'm told, they'll be all grown up.  :(
This man did not move from this sleeping (or passed it what you want) position in the 30 minutes between when we first walked by him and when I took this picture.  It must've been a good night for him.  :)

He insisted on blowing the sand off my feet for me.  My little helper.  :)
How cool are these sand blasters?  C liked it, but P did not.  P was anxious to get out of the stroller and try it out, but he couldn't climb back in fast enough once I used it on his feet.

The note is self explanatory.  We're in the process of getting it fixed, but I wanted something out there just in case.  Are you impressed by my Korean writing skills?  Don't be... All I gotta say is THANK GOODNESS FOR GOOGLE TRANSLATOR.  :)  Please, if you know how to read Korean, pretty please don't judge.  Oh, and don't tell me if it doesn't say "Please knock. Thank you."  I'm hoping I actually translated 4 simple words correctly....

I need this note right now for two reasons.  Reason #1 is because I'm expecting some very important packages, and I don't want the delivery guy to think we're not home if he tries to ring the doorbell and we don't hear it.  Reason #2 is because I met an American family today that just moved to Busan yesterday.  I told them our condo number, but just in case they forgot and come to our floor, they'll at least see English writing and assume that's our place.  :)