Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy birthday, Talton!

Talton was in China on business on his birthday this week, and it was the first time in 13 years that I haven't told him happy birthday in person.  The boys and I Skyped him and sang happy birthday to him from a country away.  We missed him and wanted to wish him a proper happy birthday in person, so we were anxious for him to come home after three days of being gone.

This is the sign that welcomed him home in the front hall.

We made signs that hung in the dining room where we had our little birthday celebration.  I found cute little HAPPY BIRTHDAY glasses, hung a few balloons, and baked a cake (Thank you to my Mom & Wayne for sending cake mix and frosting especially for this occasion in our last box!).  I even made sure to buy him three Korean birthday cards.  :)

I will never judge their English because it is WAYYYYYYY better than my Korean, but I just love the way they translate things because they don't always translate quite right.  Have you ever wished someone happiness on their "natural life"?  Love it!  :)
C got tired of drawing with the crayons pretty quickly, so I asked him if he wanted to cut out and glue some pictures down instead.  He was all over that!
...the best part about baking is licking the beaters!
He was waiting on T to get home and was wearing the HAPPY BIRTHDAY glasses to surprise him when he came in.  :)
C has the "get up close and blow" move down pat.  P, not so much.  He just blew from him chair.  We'll work on that.  :)
Aren't we cute?!  :)  Yes, he is just as lovable and squeezable in person as he looks in this picture.  :)
I love this picture.  All I see is his adoration for his boys.
I told T to bring us back some something from China.  My souvenir was this... 2 big bags of Reese's mini cups from the airport in Shanghai.  This really is so amazingly thoughtful on his part, because they do not sell Reese's in Busan and he knows these little ones are my fave!  Love him!