Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It finally arrived!

I've been kind of a crazy person for the past week waiting on my new Erin Condren life planner and address book to arrive.  And when I say crazy, I do mean crazy.  Just ask my husband.  He said it was an obsession.  Now, I wouldn't go that far, but I did find reasons to walk by the front desk a handful of times on a daily basis (normally packages are delivered to our door, but since our doorbell wasn't working our packages were being dropped off at the front desk).  Then, the stars all aligned yesterday.  The guy came to fix our doorbell, and it wasn't but an hour later when the doorbell rang and my package was waiting for me at my door!  I was so giddy.  So much so that when I came in with the box, Connar said, "You happy, Mommy?"  :)

You're probably asking yourself, "What in the world is wrong with Kristi?  Why is she so excited about a planner and an address book?"  Well here's the short story.  I'm an organization nerd...and proud of it!  I've had a Franklin Covey planner/address book combo for about 7 years.  It really has held up well between moving several times, toting it to pregnancy doctor appointments, writing in it daily, and stuffing it full of important papers.  As I started thinking about getting a new one this year, I came across a blog just like this where a girl was over the top thrilled about her planner, and then she even had 20 other women leave links to their blogs showing off their own Erin Condren planners.  Wondering what all the hype was, I decided to visit for myself.  WARNING: If you go to that website, I cannot be held responsible for anything you buy and why your family can only afford to eat PB&J next week.  Go ahead...You know you want to.  :)

The goodies even arrive in a super cute, colorful box!  Love that!

It's all bubble wrapped just to be sure it arrives in perfect condition!
He couldn't wait to get his hands on those bubbles.  I can't blame him... Who doesn't love that stuff?!
Look how pretty it is wrapped inside.  They sent a coupon for my next purchase (they sure are confident I'll be back for more stuff....and they're right! :) ) and some fun labels for free.  Love this already and I'm not even to the stuff I actually ordered yet!

I went with the mod morocco in multi colors.  The letters look a little neon here because of my camera flash, but they are not neon.
The front and back covers are the same design (even on the insides of the covers) and sealed in a heavy duty laminate, and it also has a metal binding.  This thing will definitely last for a long time.
The month tabs are even laminated which is great, so they won't bend as easily with the daily wear and tear.
Each month is laid out over a two page spread, and I love that because the boxes are bigger to write in.  They also have a column labeled "morning, day, night" for each day.  This works great for me, because it allows me to break my to do list down into parts of the day, which is what I do anyway (before nap, after nap, and after boys go to bed).
In the back of the planner are tons of stickers already labeled as well as a whole page of colored blank labels to do what you wish.  I love that the birthday stickers even give you room to write the person's name on the sticker itself.
Lots of blank, unlined pages.  Every time you turn the page, it's a different heading decoration.  :)
Lots of blank, lined pages.
There is a clear pocket in the back.
There is a nifty little "keep it together" pocket in the back as well.
You can buy these photo stickers for an extra $5.  How cool are these?!  I'm using mine for people's birthdays and special days to me throughout the year.
Another thing I love about this planner is that great quotes are sprinkled throughout it!  Here are just some of them:
 And here is my new address book...
Plenty of pages per letter so no worry about running out of space any time soon.
Have I mentioned that I love Erin Condren products?!  :)