Monday, July 16, 2012

Soo Casa

It was high time for the boys to get haircuts, so I was on a mission to figure out where and how we were going to accomplish that here in Korea.  I mean, I'm asking someone who potentially will not understand me to take scissors to my sons' heads of hair.  All I kept thinking was, this could be a disaster.  As I was reading an online English magazine that is called Busan Haps, I came across a short ad for a hair salon here.  It said the woman was originally from Busan, worked in Canada on a couple famous TV shows for six years, and then moved back to Busan to open her own salon.  AND the best part....She speaks English!  I was in.  I called her and made an appointment for the boys.  Another great thing about this salon is that it's only a hop, skip, and a jump other words, it's only two subway stops from the subway station closest to our condo.  It was a pretty quick ride, which is perfect when you're asking a 1 and 2 year old to sit in a stroller on a subway full of people.

Her name is Soo, and her salon is called Soo Casa.  How cute is that?!

The boys were checking things out as we waited for Soo to call us over.  In addition to doing men's, women's, and children's hair, they also do nails and makeup.
C getting settled in
While Connar got his hair cut, Parker was a little explorer.  At one point, he straddled the foot rest on this chair and pretended to ride it.  Then he said, "Elfa" (elephant), as if the foot rest was an elephant's trunk.  Too cute!
Connar was such a big boy!  He did so well sitting in that big chair all by himself.  He was such a good listener and sat still when we asked him to.  This has not always been the case, though.  Until the last couple haircuts, he has been like Parker is now (keep reading...).
He even sat still for the trimmer around his ears.  I thought that day would never come.  Great job, Monkey!

Talton and Parker watching Connar
Here's a funny thing here in Korea... I read about this and it actually happened: They wash your hair AFTER the cut - even the men and boys!  Since he didn't want his hair washed, Soo just blow dried Connar's hair.
Talton just took Parker's glasses off to get him ready to get in the chair, and this is when he realized that he was next.  He was not too keen on that idea.
Soo and Connar
Connar eating the candy Soo bribed him with
Parker started out a little rocky, so I had to stand holding the lollipop in his mouth.  Now, you know being the lollipop holder for a toddler means also being the slobber catcher, right?  So by the end of the haircut, you can imagine what my hands looked like.  Oh the things mommies do...

He had had enough at this point....2 minutes in.  Needless to say, his haircut wasn't as thorough as Connar's and he wasn't offered a wash afterwards.  Fine by him AND us though.  :)
Mission accomplished!
We really liked our experience here at Soo's salon, so we'll definitely be back.  This is the closest we're going to get to our regular salon experience at home, English and all.  I think I'll even be back at some point to let her have a go at my hair.  :)