Monday, July 9, 2012

The Busan Aquarium

So Connar has been asking to go to the zoo lately.  Unfortunately, there is not a zoo in Busan.  That stinks for us, because we love going to the zoo.  He has also been asking to go see the sharks, and, fortunately, that's something I can do.  I took the boys to the Busan Aquarium, which is actually within walking distance of our condo and right along the beach.  This aquarium is completely underground, and it's three floors worth of stuff to explore.

The is the aquarium sign off the main street that runs next to Haeundae Beach.
When I unbuckled them from the stroller, they were like little monkeys climbing up those rocks to get up close and personal with the fish.
checking out the penguins
cucumber jellyfish
looking for Nemo
This fish tank is MASSIVE.  It actually is two stories tall so you can see it from this floor as well as the one above us as you're walking through the aquarium.
The boys ran off to walk through the tunnel so this picture doesn't give you an idea of how big this tank is without them standing in front of it for a size comparison, but let me assure you that it is huge.

Can you see the shark with all the fish swimming around it?  That school of fish seemed to follow the shark as it swam throughout the tank.

Here is the tunnel with the sharks swimming overhead.  They like being in here and spotting all the different animals.

The aquarium has glass bottom boats that you can ride in, and we saw one floating through this tank as we were inside the tunnel.  It was cool to see the boys' faces as they realized people were waving at them.
A mommy shark and her baby sticking close by her

This shark was Connar's treat for making it through the aquarium without a potty accident.  :)  He actually had to consciously hold it in for about 5 minutes while I found a restroom for him.  Way to go, Connar!!!

This shark is already Connar's new best friend, and his name is Bruce.  He has taken Bruce everywhere with him since we got it home: to the table to eat lunch, to the restroom (so Parker doesn't get it, he said), and even to take a nap with him.  :)