Monday, July 16, 2012

Donut Sunday!

At home in Houston, we've made a family tradition of what we like to call Donut Sunday.  We've missed our Sunday morning visits to Shipley's, so we've decided to continue our Donut Sundays here in Busan at Dunkin' Donuts.  It's nice to have to walk there and back too, so we don't feel so bad about eating all that.  :)

The boys made themselves at home and were waiting on their daddy to fetch them some donuts.
You actually open these cabinets and put your donut selections on a tray yourself.  Thank goodness these cabinets were closed, because the boys were attracted to these donuts like magnets to a fridge.  I'm sure the nice ladies who helped us had to Windex little finger prints and noses off the windows when we left.  :) 

Connar insisted on carrying the donut box.  He was definitely eyeballing it as he sat in his stroller on our walk back home.
Connar requested a chocolate donut...
... and then he licked all the chocolate icing off the top.  He didn't really want to eat the donut part.  Typical Connar.
Parker had a glazed donut, and ate every morsel of it.  Typical Parker.
This was my plate - a glazed donut and a chocolate muffin.  The muffin was delicious, and I ended up giving this glazed donut to the boys because they wanted it (typical mom move, right?).  Again, Parker scarfed it down and Connar licked his part.

Donut Sunday rocks!  Do you have a family tradition at your house like this?