Saturday, September 28, 2013

jumping over to Monkey Joe's

The past few times we've been to Monkey Joe's in Houston, the boys kind of played separately because of the difference in their abilities.  This was the first time that they both did the same things, and it was so fun to see that!  Isn't it crazy how you can actually see them grow up right before your eyes?!

As soon as we got there, they were off and headed straight for the really tall slide!

 This picture makes me laugh, because it looks like I ran Connar over to climb up the stairs for my own turn.  Haaaa!!!  No, actually Connar was being silly and slipped as he was behind me, and I was going up to show Parker how to climb the stairs for the first time.  :)

It wasn't long before he got the hang of it!  It was so funny to watch him come sliding down fast with a big grin on his face.  :)

And then, out of nowhere, Connar was right behind him like he was sliding into home base!
And they did this slide over and over and over.  Parker even had big kids waiting on him to climb the stairs with his little legs.  :)

We can't ever seem to get out of here without a minute of "driving"...


Of course P had to try what his big brother just did... This was a big one, so I sent T in to help him on the big humps and to get started on the wall.

They went into the little kid play areas...
...but honestly had no interest in them and quickly climbed out, because they weren't challenging enough for them.  The last time we were here 8 months prior, P was more comfortable in these areas than the others where C was playing.  I just love watching them become best buds and play together!

Back to the big boy areas!


They took a break on the cool floor.  :)

But it wasn't long before they were off again!

After a Mexican food lunch (yum!), we went home to chill out.  I caught these two hanging out together in the rocking chair.  :)
 C even had his arm around P!  LOVE them so much!

With these two boys, however, chilling out doesn't always last too long.
We were back outside that afternoon.  :)