Wednesday, September 25, 2013

burgers & ice cream!

While in Houston, we went to eat dinner at The Shack.  Their restaurant refers to themselves as "A Texas Burger Resort", and that ain't no lie, my friends.  Take a looksie below to see what I mean.

C played on the play equipment while we ordered food.  I tried to hide the play area from P for as long as I could, because I knew getting him back to the table to eat would be a mere wish at that point.

Kelsie (and Josh & Barrett too) surprised me by showing up at dinner!
I had NO IDEA that she was coming.  I thought it was going to be another full week before she was able to make it back to Houston to visit us.
Love her so much!  (And I can't wait to love on that little Tator Tot cooking in her belly!)

I wish I could remember the names of all these burgers.  Silly names (but completely fitting) like "the Bad Decision" and "the Great Flood" (or something like that because cheese was flooding out of the burger kind of burger!).

The cheese fries were so good too!

P is between me and Talton...Can you spot his cup sticking up?  :)

Love, love, love him.

P loves him some Uncle Ryan...

After dinner we stopped by Connie's Custard for some dessert!

After the yummy dinner and tasty dessert, we were pooped and ready to
bathe these boys and hit the sack!