Saturday, September 28, 2013

gone fishing

When we visited Talton's mom, the boys went straight for the dock out back.  They couldn't wait to "fish"....AKA practice throwing the line out in the water and reeling it back in.  :)

It's a good thing Parker's pole floated, because his idea of a good time was sticking the end of the pole in the water...and letting it go.  :)

I just love this tree and how it has grown through the middle of the boat.  The boat has literally grown into the tree, so there's no way to remove the boat without taking the tree down too.  And who would want to do that?!  It's a great shade tree!

It was a scorcher of an August day, and Parker wasn't interested in staying outside for too terribly long.  Instead, he headed inside to play the piano...

And it wasn't long before Connar, Daddy, and NaNa joined us.  :)

While we are looking forward to moving back to Houston, we are happy that we're moving back in the fall and will miss the summer heat.  Those Houston summers are no joke!