Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hey, everyone!

One of my favorite days of our home trip was the day when we had a bunch of our friends and family over.  I knew that the last time we were home for almost six weeks, we didn't get to see nearly as many people as we would've liked, so it was important for me to set aside a day where they could all come at once.  It worked out beautifully!

I didn't do a good job at all of remembering to take pictures throughout the party, but I'm gonna blame it on the fact that I was loving visiting with everyone and simply didn't want to stop talking to and hugging everyone that came.  :)

Here are a few of my favorites that I did manage to snap!

My aunt Marjory is one of my absolute favorite people in the world.  I know she might want to kill me for posting this picture of her getting up off the floor, but I promise there's a good reason!  When she got there, she chased Connar under the table in an effort to catch him to say hi.  I couldn't grab my camera fast enough (yep, she crawled that quick!) so I caught her getting up instead of under the table with Connar (you can see his head blowing by me in the bottom right of the picture).  I love this picture, because it makes me laugh every time I see it and think of this incident.  :)
 Here she is with my mom.  Love these two together.  Giggles and giggles for days.
 I'm so thankful these friends were able to sneak away for just a short time to come say hey and grab a big ole hug!  I miss my friends so much, and I'm looking forward to seeing them a lot more once we move back home...and even more if I'm blessed enough to teach with them again.  Love you girls!!!
 Oh, and here's Miss Haley Loo.  I've known her since she was in Kindergarten, so to see her all grown up and ready to start high school kind of blows my mind.  Thank you for making my favorite cookie dough balls, Haley.  I might've only grabbed one before all the other vultures swooped in, but it was the yummiest thing I ate all day!
Know what else blows my mind?  That this momma and daughter look so much alike! Crazy, right?!

 The Texans game came on, so Joel and Bella quickly found their seats...
 C & P loved playing with all the kids that came!
They played so hard that they slept great that night!  Woo hoo!  :)
(This picture of C & Barrett is the only proof that I have of all the kids that were running around...)
 Baby mommas!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who came out to see us.  Sorry I didn't get your mug on my camera, but I'm so happy that we were able to see so many special people this day.  :)