Sunday, September 29, 2013

I love the zoo!

I seriously love the zoo.  I don't know what it is about the zoo that makes me love it so, but I really do enjoy going there.  Most of the time it's really hot (and really stinky from the animals), but I don't care.  Now that my boys enjoy the zoo too, I look forward to getting zoo memberships when we move back to Houston.

It was at about this point when Parker started to lose his cool.  I think he just wasn't feeling well that day, but it never showed until this point when we were already at the zoo.  For most of the remainder of our zoo visit, this is where he was...on my shoulder.

Connar was making sure there was glass between us and the crocodile before turning around to smile for a picture.

Connar sat on the snake on the carousel, because we just bought him a long, plastic snake from the gift shop.  :)

So I convinced Parker to sit on the carousel, but that didn't last too long.
Soon he was leaning onto me and...
 ...then he was in my arms again in no time.

The sky was about to open up on us, so we decided to call it a day....but not before grabbing Connar some promised cotton candy.  :)

We can't wait to go back to the zoo!!