Monday, April 29, 2013

this and that lately

In an effort to share many random things with you, here is a smorgasbord of pictures from the past few days.  Enjoy!

Connar insists on sleeping with at least three items every night.  The standard two are his monkey and his flashlight.  The third varies from night to night, ranging from Spider Man to his shark figurine to his daddy's watch.  This night, he took it upon himself to grab more than usual when we weren't looking.
 Then when he turned over, I realized there was practically an ocean of animals under him...way more than I originally thought he had!  Ha!

My hubby has traveled to Singapore recently, and he brought some money home from there.  I think it's so neat that I just had to share!  Notice how you can see a fuzzy Connar in the picture below?
Now look at the money below.  Specifically, look in the top left corner where there is a clear portion.  I took Connar's picture through that circle!  AND the entire bill is made of what feels like wax paper.  It's the weirdest thing!

We went out to eat yesterday, and we noticed something on the receipt that made us giggle.
Look at the items detailed in English.  Check out the fourth item: "re-coke" .
That was a refill on my drink.  :)

 With guests coming to visit this summer (WOO HOO! :) ), we were doing some research online to buy an air mattress.  Check out the description in red under this picture.   :)
"2 PLACES LARGE" = it'll fit 2 large people
"JUNIOR 3 PLACES" = it'll fit 3 small people

Someone got asked to prom via a note in the sand.  :)

Now that's a spiffy outfit on this Korean guy!
We're talking his murse, cardigan over the shoulders, capris, and rainbow socks.  That's all kinds of awesome!

I tried a popular Korean street snack called a hotteok.  It's basically a pancake with brown sugar syrup filling inside.  And the best part was that it was only 1,000 won (90 cents)!
 They fold it in half and stick it in a cup for you to enjoy as you walk and shop.  :)  I actually thought it was good once I got closer to the goodness that is the sweet filling in the middle of the hotteok.

Connar came out of his gym class today to tell me something while I was in the hall, and he was wearing this helmet on his head and sweating like a mad man.  Before he could run back in, I, of course, was all, "Hold on, buddy!  Let Mommy take your picture!"  :)
 How darn cute is this kid?!  LOVE him to infinity and beyond!
 Talton came to C's gym class to surprise him.  It was like he could smell him in the hall, because it wasn't long before he peeked his head out the door and invited his daddy in to watch him.  So sweet.  :)
 This boy was drenched in sweat today....and had a ball getting that way.  :)  He is all boy.

And let's end the post with this picture.
How stinkin' sweet is this picture of my three guys?!
Talton was reading a book to them before bed time, and they were both reading along with him.
I'm so blessed to call the three of them all mine.