Sunday, April 21, 2013

our MAGICAL vacation!

In case you've been living under a rock and didn't hear me exclaim my excitement about our trip for the past couple months, here are some clues to help you figure out where we went.


And if that's not enough, here it is!

I promise I'm working on getting it all blogged.  It's going to take some time, because I took well over a thousand pictures over our four day vacation.  No, I will not blog all of the pictures, BUT it is taking some organizing to get it all lined out.  Not to mention, I have to pick my favorite pictures to share with you all, and that's so hard for me.

Let me just say that our first Disney experience was nothing short of magical.
Simply put... We had the time of our lives.

And seeing as though the boys may not remember much of it due to their age, I've got plenty of pictures to prove it later.  :)