Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday Thoughts 7.25.13

Hey y'all!  Here's what's been going on around the Endres house lately as well as thoughts floating around this head of mine.  :)
  • Blogging has kind of gotten away from me the past month.  We had two sets of summer visitors and LOVED every minute of it!  Having my family around me makes me a happy, happy girl.  I'm working on blogging about the fun we had, so I promise that it'll be ready soon.  My goal is to have it all done before we go back to Texas in August.
  • That brings me to my next thought.... We're coming home for a too-short visit, and I'm so stinkin excited.  I can't believe my feet will be touching good ole Texas grass, my hiney will be sitting in my momma's house, my hand will be wrapped around a delish, big Sonic Coke, and my arms will be wrapped around the necks of so many people I love and miss in just over 2 weeks!  I could make a long list of all the things I'm looking forward to, but I'll spare you the reading material.  :)  The main reason we're coming back is to have a routine check up for Parker's eye.  We could probably find a doctor to do this in Korea, but we have a confidence and trust in his doctor like no other.  I have to say that hearing his doctor tell us that Parker is doing great is what I'm looking forward to the most about this visit.  Just know that while it is most definitely a lengthy trek from Korea to Texas and there is the jet lag to deal with, we are ready to be home, if only for a short time.
  • Another really awesome trip we just planned is a surprise for the boys.  We're going back to Tokyo Disney in September over a long holiday.  Talton and I have decided to wait until right before (like maybe the morning of??) we pack up to go to the airport to tell them "We're going to Disneyland!"  Connar is going to die.  We are so excited anticipating his excitement about going back.  Disney is all he talks about.  He even has an app on the iPad that shows him the rides there that he watches nearly every day.  Just the other day when I asked him if he was excited to go back to Houston, he said, "Yes.  We'll get on the airplane and go to GrammE's for just a little bit, then get back on the airplane, go to the hotel, and go to Disneyland."  If he only knew.  :)
  • Do you watch the TV show "Scandal"?  Oh.My.Word.  I'm slightly addicted.  I bought the past two seasons on iTunes, and I just can't seem to get enough of it.  I'm also still loving my Real Housewives of NJ and OC, Deadliest Catch, and The Bachelorette.
  • We've watched some documentaries on iTunes recently: "Fame High", "Burn", and "Magic Camp".  Look them up, in that order, if you're looking for something to watch one night.
  • Have you ever heard of the website, ?  If not and you like to recognize important occasions in people's lives, you've got to check it out!  Let me preface the rest of this bullet point with: I admit to being a crazy organized person....and I'm so good with that.  :)  Before moving to Korea, I would go to Hallmark with a list of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. every couple months and would spend a ridiculous amount of time searching high and low for the perfect cards for the special people in my life.  Then, I'd get home and stick them in the correct months in my calendar with a note for when I needed to mail them out.  Well when we moved to Korea I couldn't exactly gauge how long it would take a piece of mail to get to its destination and birthday cards kind of need to get there by the actual birthday, so I was so happy when I came across this website.  Not only can I personalize the cards with pictures and names, I can make them and specify a delivery date.  I know how much I love getting mail, and while many people, too many in my personal opinion, don't recognize special days in their friends'/family's lives, it's important to me to make sure I try my best to let them know that I'm thinking about them, wishing them well, or just to say a simple happy birthday.  I feel like being thoughtful goes a long way, and I really enjoy making other people happy, whether it's a surprise gift in the mail or a card telling them "Hey, I remembered today was important to you."  :) .  Now that I go back and read that, it sounds like I'm getting paid to promote their website, but I promise that that's just how much I love and rely on it.  :)
  • Here are the books I've read lately.  I can't wait to find a new one to get lost in!
    • Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah (about a friendship spanning 30+ years)
    • Wild by Cheryl Strayed (a memoir about her 1100 mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail)
    • Once Upon a Secret by Mimi Alford (a memoir about her affair with JFK while he was still in office)
    • Drinking & Tweeting... by Brandi Glanville (another memoir--she's from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills...oh, and her ex-husband is the one who had an affair with LeAnn Rimes)
    • The Slave Across the Street by Theresa Flores (a young girl forced into human trafficking, all while she remained living under her parents' roof)
Okay, I'm going to try and get another post or two up before nap time is over.  Welllllll, either that or watch the next episode of Scandal.  I'm not making any promises, people!  ;)