Tuesday, July 30, 2013

day 1 (the rest of it) with my dad & Esther

As if all that fun on the first day wasn't enough, we spent the rest of the first day my dad and Esther were here:

My dad packed this suitcase that has seen its better days full of stuff I ordered online as well as grocery items I had him pick up for us.  Thank goodness the Velveeta cheese nothing slipped out the hole in the suitcase on its day-long journey from the U.S. to Korea. 

 Since we won't be traveling home for Christmas this year, I asked my mom to send our stockings and Dash, our Elf on a Shelf.  I had to hurry and snap this picture before the boys saw him hanging out on the table.
 With my subscription to People magazine comes an iPad edition for free, which is how I read it when in Korea, but I did have Esther bring me some issues in case I hadn't read the newest yet...I like holding it in my hands more than flipping through it on the iPad.  Seeing this stack of English magazines made me happy.  :)
I ordered some clothes and flip flops online and had them shipped to my mom's house (it should go without saying that shipping to the U.S. compared to Korea is wayyyyy cheaper and it just happened to work out that I had visitors coming during the summer that could bring stuff to me in their suitcases).
American necessities!!  Yes, refried beans, among other highly important items in this picture, are a necessity in our house.

in the food court

Yep, we're a year out from Psy's big hit "Gangnam Style", and they're still working it like nobody's business!
I tried my best to convince them to buy this matching set of underwear.

Let me know if you want me to ship you a toilet seat from Home Plus:
"Fresh Hunny is so Yummy!"
Maybe they didn't think it through when deciding to put that saying on a toilet seat.  Just sayin.
"Black and white rabbits belong to Jill.  She has lent Tony the black one."
Glitter on a toilet seat!  Genius!
The tag around Mickey's neck says "Made for Minnie".  Such a romantic toilet seat.
Hello Kitty is going to town with a sucker next to the words "Pop & Cute Sweet Style" on this seat.
No hands!  It's neat to show others how the carts stick to the escalator.

Ordering coffee in a foreign country can be very interesting, especially when you talk fast and with a Texas accent like my dad.  Too funny.

Having this view is something I'll miss when we leave Korea.
And just look how clear the water is!  The water was so calm this day, and you can spot all the rocks under the water.
This was the first week of June, and you can see that the parasols on the beach were starting to make their summer debut.  The beach also started getting more crowded this week, but it's absolutely nothing like what it'll be in August, the peak travel time for Haeundae Beach.
This is one of the shirts I ordered online that my dad delivered to me.  It's also Connar's favorite shirt at the moment.  Why?  Because it glows in the dark!  And because it's a dinosaur....two of this little boy's favorite things.  He asked to wear it every single day for two weeks....even if it was dirty.  It got to the point where I had to hide it after I washed it, because if he saw it in the laundry basket waiting to be folded or put away in his closet, he'd secretly snatch it up to go hide in his room and switch shirts without me knowing about it first.
Love that little boy smile!

Having my dad here meant that I got a break from pushing the stroller for a bit.  :)
my precious boys...  :)  :)  :)
P brought his Thomas the Train book to read while we were out.
We grabbed some ice cream from a food stand on the side of the street.
P was out like a light at that point (no nap will do that to him).

One of his favorite things to do at the park is collecting rocks and sticking them in the holes on these stools.
And this is when I figured out why Connar wore his backpack to the park...
He packed some coins to throw down the slides.  :)

And I'll wrap this post up with something that I continue to get a kick out of, over a year into living in Korea... the matching outfits!  Esther thought it was pretty funny too, so she started pointing them out to me every time she'd spot a couple dressed alike.  :)