Friday, December 14, 2012

Dewberry Farm

Dewberry Farm is such a fun little place for little ones.  Although they weren't out on this day (not sure why...maybe because it looked like it was going to rain??), they have a barn full of animals as well as gated in areas where animals are kept out in the open for the kids to see through a fence.  During the Fall you can pick pumpkins here from their pumpkin patch (and pay by the pound), and in the Winter you can cut down your very own Christmas tree.  And if you don't want to do either of those, you can always just come here to play!  They have free activities as well as many activities where you have to pay to participate. 

Because I can't do this kind of activity by myself with the two boys without sweating in places you shouldn't sweat (let's be real here....of course I'll sweat even if someone goes with me because this is Houston in December after all!), I recruited my brother, Ryan, and his sweetie of a girlfriend, Kaylon, to help me wrangle these two little turkeys of mine.  I'm sure they needed to be studying for a college final or, in Ryan's case, would rather be sleeping until 3 pm, but they gave me and the boys a few hours of their time and for that I'm super grateful.  :)  I couldn't have done it without them, and I know that C & P really enjoyed having them there to play with.

Santa was seeing children for free!  If you saw my recent post about visiting Santa, you won't be surprised to know that we steered clear of Santa here at Dewberry Farm.  :)  C was good looking at him from far away, but he was not interested whatsoever in getting close.

Of course they wanted to climb all over that tractor!  They are boys, after all.

It was a little windy...  :)

C & Kaylon racing duckies by pumping water down their lane

They liked spending some time in "Little Farmerville" (for children ages 6 and under)


I can hear his giggle when I look at this.  I absolutely love that laugh!

gotta fix those glasses after they wiggled off his nose as he landed off the slide   :)

Thank goodness tall Uncle Ryan was there to rescue him from a part of the course that he wasn't big enough to maneuver through.

He lost a shoe, but he's still smiling!

This roller slide was one of their favorite activities!  Just look at all these HUGE SMILES!  So fun!

corn shooter.... Ryan aimed and Connar pushed the trigger (not sure which one had more fun..)

They seriously LOVED this bouncy bubble!  The giggles and smiles were nonstop!

Connar wanted to ride the train that goes out to the Christmas trees field, so we bought tickets and played nearby while we waited for the train to return to the station.

Yay!  He roped....the horse!  :)

The train pulled back up so off we went to see the Christmas trees out in the fields!

"Pick your own flower patch.....fill with your own arrangement."  Hmmmmmmmm......

The train drops you off out here with all the Christmas trees, and you can stay out there as long as you want choosing your tree.  Then, you catch the train the next time it comes when you're ready to go back to the farm, and they'll prepare your tree for you to take home.

There are tags on each tree to tell you how much it costs.

In addition to the fully grown trees, they have Christmas trees of all sizes growing to prepare for years from now.

This is what's left of the pumpkin patch from the Fall....

Thank you, Kaylon and Ryan, for buckling up for the trek out to the farm with us.  It was an overcast day, but the rain held off, and we made some fun memories with you.  :)