Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dash (December 24)

On Christmas Eve morning, the boys woke up to a letter from Dash telling them what precious boys they were, how he was proud of them, how he was going to report back to Santa for the last time that night, and how this would be the last day they would see him until next Christmas.  Santa even made an exception to the "no touching the elf" rule by lifting the magic from Dash and allowing the boys to hug and kiss him goodbye until next year. :)


We will miss you, Dash.  Connar has been looking for you every morning when he wakes up.  I know he'll be thrilled to see you again next year, and I'm sure Parker will be giving you a run for your money next year too.  ;)

Oh, and P.S..... Tell Santa that he gave the boys exactly what they wanted for Christmas and they loved all of it!  I know they're anxious to see what Santa left for them in Korea too!