Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Visitors! Woo hoo!

Earlier this month we got to see family for the first time since we left Houston at the beginning of this year.  My dad and step mom, Esther, hopped on a few planes to make their way to Busan, and we were pumped about their arrival!

Because they got in so late, I stayed home with the sleeping boys while Talton picked them up from the airport.  I was so anxious about them getting here that I kept in touch with Talton while he waited at the arrivals door at the airport.  After 24 hours of travel time, they finally walked into our place at nearly 11:00 at night.

Understandably, they were exhausted and basically hit the hay not long after they walked in. 

The next morning, the boys were up and ready to visit and play!


Then we set out to show them the outdoor Haeundae Market.
 See the girls on the left?  They're staring at the boys in the stroller.  This is why I hate waiting to cross the street.  Often it's more than two people staring at them, and the stares last way longer than a quick glance.  Sometimes they even get all up in their faces and stroke their hair and arms while speaking to them in Korean.  I know the boys are adorable and such a different sight to see around these parts, but still, it makes them uncomfortable.  If only I had a dime for every time this happened.....

I did warn them about the smell of the market beforehand, because it can be overwhelming and not in the good way.  :)

Of course we had to stop at nearly every tank to look at and talk about the eels, fish, octopus, crabs, etc..

 The amount of stuff they cram into these booths is quite amazing.



She was cutting homemade noodles for this restaurant.  It reminds me of my mom making homemade noodles for beef and noodles back home.  I'm thinking they're probably not eating beef and noodles here though.  :)

Silk worms....a popular Korean snack when boiled/steamed and seasoned.  Nope, not kidding.  The smell of them cooked is like nothing I could even try to put into words.  Yuck.

This is my favorite Korean market vendor!  If I could put her in my pocket and take her home, I would....but then again, she might try to cook some silk worms in my house, so I won't.  She has such a kind spirit and a sweet smile.

 This lady was dishing out bowlfuls of this soup (in front of her), and there was quite a line for it, plus those people sitting behind her were enjoying it too.

My dad and Esther were just as enamored with the market as I was the first time I strolled through here.  I had many more fun things planned for them to experience our Korean life, so we stayed pretty busy for their time in Busan.  More on all of that very soon!