Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

So, because I'm getting caught up on past holidays & events from the past handful of months, these posts will be out of order. 

Mother's Day this year was just lovely.  :)

I took my mom to lunch the day before, and I honestly can't tell you the last time I went to lunch with adults only.  For real.  Can't remember.  Needless to say, momma ordered a mimosa and went potty alone.  That's a win in itself.

Mother's Day morning, after I slept in (can I get an amen?!), I was greeted to a little boy saying, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"...(This was said just like Anna says it to Elsa at the beginning of the movie when she's trying to get her out of bed.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, you clearly haven't watched Frozen enough..or at all)  After I teared up at the homemade card my boys made me (Connar signed his name for the first time on a Mother's Day card for me!  Priceless, am I right?!), my hubby and kiddos took me to breakfast at Harris County Smokehouse (yummy!!).  Then we came home and while I sat in my bed and read magazines, they made me a cake.  It was delicious!  I sat in the rocking chair on the back porch that afternoon as Daddy ran around chasing the boys (it was such a pretty day!), and for dinner we had Rudy's BBQ (man I love those sandwiches and corn on the cob!).
All in all, a fab day was had by all, especially this momma.  :)
I'm more than blessed to call these monkeys mine.  All mine.