Sunday, April 20, 2014

Halloween 2013

When we first came back to the U.S., the boys and I stayed at my mom's house for a couple weeks until all of the flooring was installed and our furniture was delivered from storage.  Talton had to go back to Korea for three weeks, so it was just me and the boys at that point.  C, P, and I moved back into our house two days before Halloween.  I had enough sense to order their Halloween costumes online in September when I was still in Korea, because I knew my life would be crazy busy once we got back.

Since Talton wasn't here, I was so thankful to have helpers come over on Halloween to help me get the boys dressed and go trick or treating with us.  Thank you Mom, Joel, and Liz.  :)

 The Hulk was ready while the train conductor was throwing a royal fit about wearing his costume.
 I think he was just very tired, so he could've cared less about how Halloween works with a costume and all.
 I just didn't have the heart to make him wear the train conductor costume, so I put his jeans and t-shirt back on him, and we went out trick or treating like that.  Look, it wasn't the end of the world that he didn't have a costume on, but it would've been the end of the world if we all had to endure that royal fit while trick or treating.  :)
 The Hulk was so patient, which was amazing because he couldn't wait to get out and knock on some doors.
 P was so tired and not in a festive mood that he wouldn't even drag himself out of the stroller to trick or treat.  So I rolled him right up to the door.  :)

This was quite puzzling to C...

I couldn't even get P to wear his train conductor hat from his costume, so the closest we got was getting him to wear his Thomas the Train baseball cap.  Whatever, buddy.  :)

P finally decided he wanted to walk up to the doors himself...about five doors before we called it a night.

Liz was around 5 months pregnant with Spencer at that point...
 I propped the costume on P's back so I could say I got at least one picture with his costume on him this year.  :)

I'm looking forward to Halloween this year, because Talton will be home... And hopefully P will participate more.  :)